Watch Your Step: Everything You Need to Know About Foot Tattoos
Watch Your Step: Everything You Need to Know About Foot Tattoos
Foot tattoos are unique, sexy, and are easy to hide, but are they really the perfect tattoo? This guide will list the pros and cons of a foot tattoo.
Are you set on the perfect foot tattoo to decorate your dogs?
There are some important things you should know before you take the plunge —and pain is just the beginning.
Foot tattoos are unique, sexy, and are easy to hide, but are they really the perfect tattoo? This guide will list the pros and cons of a foot tattoo.
Do Foot Tattoos Hurt?
It’s well known within the tattoo industry that foot tattoos are among the most painful.
This is because, in order to insert the pigment permanently into your skin, your tattoo artist drives a needle beneath the skin’s surface. Obviously this is going to hurt on any part of your body. But places that have more nerve endings, like your foot, are going to hurt a lot more.
There are two elements to tattoos which include the linework and shading. Both can create an intense burning sensation from the needle scratching your skin. Unlike other parts of your body where flesh or muscle will help to dull the pain.
Your feet have more exposed nerve endings in your feet, over 7,000 nerve endings to be exact. At times you may feel your bones vibrating. Brace yourself for some intense pain if you’re set on a foot tattoo. If it’s your first one you might want to keep it simpler.
The other aspect that makes a foot tattoo a challenge is that your feet tend to react quickly to stimulation. Which is why if you get tickled on your feet your reflex is to kick out.
To stop yourself from jerking you’re going to have the urge to tense your body. This can lead to more pain.
This can be a problem when you’re trying to stay completely still during a tattoo. A skilled tattoo artist will expect this and be able to react accordingly.
Why Tiny Foot Tattoos Are a Bad Idea
If you’re frustrated with a tattoo artist for not giving you a tiny tattoo on your foot, then we can explain. Foot tattoos tend to bleed over time. So something very small can begin to smudge on the parts of your foot you use the most.
Ultimately they’re saving future you from a blobby mess on your foot years down the road. Make sure you find the right tattoo artist. Some will refuse to do foot tattoos at all since they can be dangerous if infected and also fade faster in the wrong places.
Where Should You Get One?
As we mentioned, getting a foot tattoo in the wrong place can lead to it fading or smudging. So where should you get a foot tattoo?
The problem is most areas on your foot are used. For example, the sides of your feet tend to rub on your shoes all day. The top of your foot is an option but it will hurt more.
Ankle tattoos need extra care to prevent them from fading in the sun. Ultimately you’ll have to find the best spot for your design as well as your body. Work with a professional to find your ideal placement.
You will also need to decide the orientation of your tattoo. Such as if the tattoo should face you right side up or be facing other people. This is all personal preference.
Care for Your Foot Tattoo
During the time when your foot tattoo is healing it’s going to be difficult to wear shoes. For this reason, you may want to plan to get your foot tattoo during the summer months or when it’s warmer. This will allow you to wear flip flops, sandals, or ballet flats.
At the same time, you don’t want to expose your tattoo to the sun for too long. In fact, your tattoo is going to need a lifetime of sunscreen applications to protect it and keep it from fading.
Yes, this is true for most tattoos that are exposed. But your foot can be especially prone to direct sunlight when wearing sandals and showing it off. So you need to be extra careful.
It’s important to strictly follow the directions of your tattoo artist. Since a tattoo is an open wound, not caring for it appropriately could lead to serious infection.
Foot tattoos are even more prone to infections than others. You won’t be able to submerge your tattoo in water or expose it to the sun for at least two weeks.
Surprise You Have A Foot Tattoo!

Foot Tattoos
The fun thing about a foot tattoo is once you’ve gotten through the pain and aftercare you’re going to be really excited each time you see it. That’s because you may forget sometimes that you even have a foot tattoo.
Foot tattoos are subtle and you probably won’t notice it every day. So when it catches your eye from time to time, it’ll be like a special surprise you get to experience again and again.
The only thing about the excitement of having a tattoo is it will make you want another one!
Despite the pain, foot tattoos are aesthetically pleasing and increasingly popular. Once you have one you’ll want to show it off to all your friends and family.
Ready to Get Inked?
Foot tattoos may be a bit more painful but they sure look amazing when completed. Once you get through a couple of weeks, you’ll be dying to get a matching one on your other foot!
If you’d like to speak with a professional tattoo artist who can provide you with the delicate foot tattoo you’re dreaming of, then check out our two locations. Our artists are highly skilled and professional.
Want to learn more about types of tattoos and piercings? Along with what to expect? Check out our blog for expert advice.
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