9 of the Most Creative Neck Tattoo Ideas You’ll Want to Steal
The Most Creative Neck Tattoo Ideas You’ll Want to Steal
The neck is one of the coolest spots to get a tattoo. We share some of the best and most creative neck tattoo designs to help inspire your tattoo design.
Did you know that about 42 percent of Americans have tattoos?
And since “tattoos are like potato chips,” once you start, it’s hard to stop! 30 percent of Americans have just one, while the rest have two or more. Two percent even have more than twenty tattoos!
That’s great news for lovers of ink and self-expression.
We’ve got more awesome news, too. The perception is changing and the stigma disappearing with it. In a 2015 survey about people with tattoos, most people answered that they saw no difference between those with ink and those without it.
So — neck tattoo, anyone?
Since almost half the American population has a tattoo already, getting your neck tatted isn’t a far cry from the norm. In fact, hand, face, and neck tattoos are gaining in popularity just as tattoos in general are. And with the advancements in tattooing, these tattoos can be delicate, beautiful, and intricately done.
Of course, you should take deep and careful consideration before tattooing this nearly un-coverable spot. This isn’t the time to get tattooed on a whim. Contemplate your options before scheduling that appointment.
In the meantime, we’ve got some creative neck tattoo ideas right here! Check them out before getting inked.
1. Tiny but Impactful
A neck tattoo doesn’t have to cover your entire throat to stand out. In fact, tiny, delicate neck tattoos have their place.
Model Freja Beha proves how cool these can be with her two well-known neck tats. The first is the word “Float” written in delicate, looping script on the left side of her neck. This dainty tattoo still makes an impact.
The second is the upside-down triangle on the back of her neck. Again, this shows that a tattoo doesn’t have to cover your entire neck to be considered a “neck tattoo.” Putting a tiny symbol on the sides or back of your neck is cute, simple, and straightforward.
2. Song Lyrics
Any tunes stuck in your head that you never want to leave? Well, consider getting them tattooed, like the singer Halsey did.
In teeny-tiny font, she got the words, “i’m a loser baby” on the side of her neck. This song, released in ’94 by fellow artist Beck, obviously had some sway in her life. Now, she can memorialize it forever.
3. Star-Spangled Neck
Another great idea for neck tattoos is to have them creep up from your spine or shoulders and finish on the neck. For this, we look at another celebrity with a tattoo collection: Rihanna.
Starting on her right shoulder and finishing just at her hairline is a galaxy of stars. They’re both outlines and filled in, giving it a nice depth and complexity.
4. Lost in Translation
Another neck tat we love is also on Rihanna.
She adorned the side of her neck with the French phrase “rebelle fleur,” or “rebel flower.” This was back in 2010 before many people were getting their necks tattooed. It’s safe to say she’s a trendsetter!
5. Take Flight
If you really want to make a statement, consider what could fill up space. For this suggestion, we’re thinking of the noble bird.
The body of the bird can be on the throat or the back of the neck. The wings can be splayed open, ready to take flight, decorating either side of the neck.
Think of your favorite flyer — hawk, swallow, owl, whatever — and you’ve got a beautiful piece of decoration to accompany you for life!
6. A Permanent Choker
Are you a fan of forever jewelry? It’s becoming more popular and common to get “jewelry” tattooed on your body, giving you the look that never ends. Some people get rings, bracelets, or anklets tattooed — so why not a necklace?
Consider a hanging design or one that’s close to the throat, like a delicate choker. You can let this play out in any way you’d like: big, small, chunky, dainty. Let your style be your guide.
7. Floral Decoration
Flowers are a beautiful addition to the canvas of your body. With their astounding amount of variety and delicacy, you can really mix it up when choosing how to put florals on your neck.
Consider the nape of your neck as the place for your next flower tattoo. It can frame the natural curve of your neck or hairline, or even climb up the sides and rest behind your ear. A quick Google search will turn back tons of ideas for floral adornments.
8. Getting Ornamental
Not every tattoo has to have a specific “design” or picture. In fact, an ornamental tattoo may look just as great as any! Consider the variety of geometric patterns and shapes out there and consider what’d look best for you.
This can be dot-work design, a beehive pattern, a mandala, or anything similar. Check out Radeo from Suicide Girls for an example of a dripping honeycomb heart that stands out.
9. Your Favorite Word
It doesn’t have to be a phrase or full set of lyrics to be a tattoo! You can keep it simple as heck by placing your favorite word on your neck. Get it “as is” or even consider doing the phonetic spelling for something unique.
Model Sofia Richie did this with the word “Clarity” in a simple print font. It’s smack-dab in the middle of (the side of) her neck, a couple of inches below the ear and above the shoulder.
What’s your favorite word? Consider placing it for the world to see!
Is a Neck Tattoo for You?
By the end of this list, you’re either really jonesing to get a neck tattoo or you’ve changed your mind. Let your intuition guide you to make the right decision for your lifestyle. Consider cost, placement, design, and more before committing to this delicate place.
And of course, if not your neck, you’ve got the entire rest of your body!
When you’re ready, we’ll be ready, too. The next step is choosing a talented, professional artist for your idea. Here are the top ten qualities to look for in your tattoo artist.
To learn more, contact us here.
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15 of the Best Military Tattoo Ideas and Styles
15 of the Best Military Tattoo Ideas and Styles
If you served in the military and want to get a tattoo that is military-related, click here to see a list of the best military tattoo ideas.
A military tattoo is a great way to show your support for our troops. People have used tattoos to honor soldiers and warriors for most of human history. And a military tattoo is a bold statement. It can be a personal memorial to a lost loved one. It becomes a part of your identity. Your tattoo can be a sign of protest, of the burdens you carry, or the support and honor you hold. But it’s something to take on carefully. Tattoos are riddled with personal symbolism, and you need your tattoo to reflect that. If you’re considering a military tattoo, check out these great military tattoo ideas.
1. Dog Tags
Dog tags are a staple when it comes to military tattoos. Add them to nearly any other tattoo to give it a militaristic touch. Furthermore, you can leave a dog tag tattoos blank. Or you can add a specific name or date if there’s a particular person you want to honor with your ink. Consider pairing your dog tags with roses, boots, flags, firearms, or leave them on their own.
2. Firearm and Helmet
The helmet on the butt of a firearm is another iconic and simple military tattoo. Add boots, roses, a name or a motto. This iconic tattoo is a favorite because it’s simple, elegant, and respectful.
3. Flags
Flags are another common staple in military tattoos. Many enjoy a flag showing through ripped skin style. Others like a saluting soldier silhouetted against a flag. Keep the flag either on it’s own, or pair it with any other idea on this list.
4. Branch Seal
Is there a particular branch you want to give a shout out to? Consider incorporating a military branch seal into your design.
5. Soldier Silhouettes
Soldier silhouettes are another great, iconic way to shout out to our troops. Silhouettes can be as simple as a single troop saluting, or an entire line marching. Do you have an idea you think might look good with a silhouette? Make sure to talk to your tattoo artist about it! They can usually come up with great ways to piece together your ideas.
6. Traditional Army Tattoos
Traditional army tattoos take on more of a caricature appearance. Typically, they’re an eagle holding a US Army banner. But if you want to branch out, look at other military branches. The navy has the traditional anchor tattoo and the bulldog in the helmet. There’s a lot you can do with traditional tattoos.
7. Camo
Camo is a great way to give a more subtle shoutout to the military. Consider layering it behind roses, eagles, flags or silhouettes. The pixelated nature of military camo lends a cool asthetic to any tattoo.
8. Memorial
Many military tattoos like to incorporate war memorials into their artwork. Some iconic memorials are the Veteran’s War Memorial, the Vietnam War Memoria. The US Marine Corps War Memorial of soldiers raising the flag on Iwo Jima is probably the most iconic.
9. Bald Eagles
Bald eagles add a patriotic touch to any tattoo. Layer them with flags, silhouettes, or memorials. Even if you don’t want the full, eagle, eagle wings or feathers can be enough to add a patriotic feel.
10. Bombs Away
Bombs away is another iconic military caricature. Most often, bombs away tattoos have a cartoonish aspect to them. Many of them have a bomb baring its teeth or smoking a cigar. These are great tattoos to get in color. You can learn more about color tattoos here.
11. Uniform Replica
A simple, elegant military tattoo is a replica of your uniform sleeve over your shoulder. Being a soldier becomes a part of your entire identity. This is a simple way to pay homage to that aspect of yourself.
12. Maps
Did you serve in iconic places oversea? Consider getting the nations tattooed. Make note of the different areas you served. Pair the maps with flags, eagles, or dog tags to make the military link stand out. Love the idea of a map tattoo? Check out these travel tattoos here.
13. Skull and Helmet
The skull and helmet is a darker, but still real, image of war. It’s common in many military tattoos. Change the helmet to change the war your tattoo represents. Different expressions, embellishments, and insignia can change the meaning the tattoo conveys.
14. Ultra-Realism
Some people want entire war scenes as tattoos. These can be ultra-realistic, with smoke and expressions. If you want to do an entire scene, take time to get to know your tattoo artist. Ask to see previous pieces and their other samples to make sure it’s a good fit. Ultra-realism can be hard to get right, so make sure you have a tattoo artist up for the job.
15. Gas Mask Soldier
The gas mask soldier works well in any military tattoo, from ultra realism to caricature. The gas mask soldier has a history of representing protest and dissent. This is true especially during Vietnam during gas attacks and chemical warfare. It can also represent anarchy.
Use These Military Tattoo Ideas to Get Started
These military tattoo ideas are just a starting point. You may want your ink to support our troops. You may need it as a way to express yourself. You may need something simple and beautiful as a way to say goodbye or thank you. Military tattoos have a lot of meaning and symbolism behind them. They’re unique to each individual, and the meanings behind them run deep. When you piece together your own idea, take time to talk with the right tattoo artist. The extra effort will ensure a quality piece that is special to you. Want to know how to find the right tattoo artist?
To learn more, contact us here.
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7 Tips To Come Up With An Awesome Tattoo Idea
7 Tips To Come Up With Awesome Tattoo Ideas
Coming up with an idea for a tattoo can be difficult. In order to help, we share 7 tips to come up with awesome tattoo ideas.
Are you thinking about getting a tattoo?
Whenever people run out of ways to express themselves, tattoos are the next best option out there. These skin arts are amazing at letting you express your feelings and interests. Some tattoo artists perform self-tattoos on occasion, showing off their skills as an artist.
Because of this, tattoos have grown in popularity in recent years.
Despite the rise in popularity though, only a few people have gotten new tattoos as of late. For the most part, this is because people find it hard to come up with great tattoo ideas.
Often, this stems from the embarrassment that your idea may not be as great as you thought. You might also have trouble thinking of something to become a permanent addition to your body.
Today, we’ll help you come up with a great tattoo. Below are seven tips to help you get the right tattoo for you.
1. Use Something Meaningful from Your Past
A key characteristic of tattoos is that they hold a special meaning to the bearer. It’s a good idea to take things from your memory when thinking of a design. This should help you get closer to thinking of an idea.
Memories taken from the past are also great as first tattoo ideas. Most of the time, people want something which gives them a sense of nostalgia when they deciding the first tattoo. This tip makes it easier for them to accomplish that feeling.
This also makes it easier to explain the meaning behind your tattoo. One thing people with tattoos experience the most is having people ask why they have a certain tattoo. Since it’s taken from your personal past, answering this question will not only be easy, it will also be full of details.
2. Keep It Simple
A common mistake with people thinking of design ideas is they tend to overthink. This often leads to them coming up with complicated ideas that, when put on paper, doesn’t make sense to anyone. This happens more than you would think and a lot of people fail to get the tattoos they want because of it.
To prevent this from happening to you, keep it simple. A lot of people underestimate the power of having a simple tattoo. Small yet cool tattoos are a rising trend today and there’s a good reason behind it.
Before, when people would think of tattoos, they thought of full-back, colorful ones. While they’re amazing works of art, the trend became tired over time. A simple tattoo serves as a refresher at our current time.
A minimalist tattoo can also have a lot of meanings. It will be up to the beholder to find out what it’s trying to express.
3. Inspire Yourself with Ideas from the Internet
If you’re struggling to come up with an idea, it’s often best to browse the internet for ideas first. There are a lot of tattoos on display for you to view there. This is a surefire way to get some inspiration for your own tattoo.
Doing this also makes it easier for you to explain what you want to the artist. The problem most tattoo artists have is their clients don’t explain what they want well. This tends to lead to a lot of unsatisfied customers and demands of a refund.
By browsing the internet though, you’ll have the chance to snap a screenshot of the design you want. This makes it much easier to convey your desires to the artist.
That said, make sure you don’t copy the exact tattoo of a public figure if you like their design. Tattoos are the intellectual property of an artist. Having a copy of their work on you may open up lawsuits like copyright suits and the like.
4. Consider Using Animal Tattoos
Animal tattoos are popular for many reasons. For one, they can be cutesy and straightforward. Another reason is they tend to symbolize many things.
For example, having the tattoo of a lion may mean strength in many aspects. Wolves, on the other hand, tend to symbolize the fierceness of the bearer. There are endless possibilities for animal tattoos and the meanings behind them, making the task of choosing a tattoo easier for you.
5. Use the Design to Convey a Message
A good idea for coming up with a tattoo is to use it to convey a powerful and meaningful message to you and the people around you. This is shaping up to be a popular trend because of the many symbolisms surrounding our society today. You can use the symbol of a foundation or such for this.
A great example of this is women around the world using the feminist symbol as a tattoo. They mean to inspire everyone around them to become an advocate for true equality all around.
You can also opt for a small tattoo like the date of an important event. This can serve as a reminder for all about what transpired during that day.
6. Think of How You Want the Art Style to Be
Before thinking of what to put as your tattoo you may want to consider the art style you want your design to have. Some art styles work with certain themes of designs. Cartoon, realism, abstract, and symbolism all have a certain genre that works best for them.
7. Think of the Area You’ll Put It On
If you’re still having trouble coming up with an idea, taking a look at the area you want a tattoo on is a great way to help. Like with the art style of your intended design, there are certain areas that work best with the tattoo you want to have.
For small tattoos, it’s often best to place them somewhere you can show people with ease. Places like the wrist or even the ankle are great for them.
For bigger ones, you may want to consider a body part with more area to work with. Your entire arm, chest, or back are popular places for such tattoos.
Come Up with an Awesome Tattoo with the Help of These Tattoo Ideas Today
It’s hard to come up with fresh tattoo ideas nowadays. With the help of our guide though, you’ll be coming up with awesome ideas in no time. Start getting inspired now!
Looking for someone to put your idea from concept to reality? Contact us here and we’ll do an amazing job for you!
To learn more, contact us here.
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Forget the Diamonds: The Top Tips and Ideas for Wedding Ring Tattoos
Wedding ring tattoos – With 2.3 million couples getting married each year, it’s hard to come up with a unique idea to represent you and yours. But, modern brides are setting new trends every day.
The traditional wedding ring is no exception. Yet, that ring may not be what you’re expecting, these days. Today’s brides are choosing wedding ring tattoos over the diamond.
You read that right. Couples are getting tattoos. Right on their ring fingers to represent the wedding band.
Well, why not?
They’re beautiful. It’s a permanent symbol of your bond. And, if you get the right one, it’s timeless and classy, too.
It checks all the boxes of a traditional wedding ring, without investing 3 months wages.
So, how are couples choosing the perfect wedding ring tattoos? Let’s find out!
Wedding Ring Tattoos: Tips and Ideas to Help You Choose!
It’s not exactly a new idea, but it’s definitely gaining ground. Maybe because tattoos are more popular than ever. Or, it could be the savings involved.
Wedding ring tattoos are far less expensive than a traditional wedding ring. You can get one for $50 to $2,000, depending on the design and the artist. That’s a lot of money you can save for the honeymoon!
But, the real reason may have more to do with the tattoo itself. The most valuable thing about a wedding ring tattoo is not the price tag. It’s the meaningful design that a couple chooses together.
They’re personalized in a way that the traditional ring isn’t. And, that’s what couples want.
Choose Your Style
Every couple is unique, and so is their personal style. That style will merge into your ring tattoos.
Only about 16% of the world has tattoos. That already makes you unique. But your tattoo style says even more about you.
Here are a few styles to consider.
- Traditional/Classic
- Tribal
- Colorful
- Symbolic
- Bold & Blackwork
- Watercolor
- Cultural
There are many more styles to choose from. The style you choose depends only on your preferences.
Symbolism is Important
Here’s where it gets personal. Choosing a wedding ring tattoo should include something symbolic. Something special that represents the relationship between you and your spouse.
Find good symbolism in your past, present, and future. Consider how you met, what you like to do together, and your favorite things.
Places you’ve traveled to and struggles you’ve overcome can be meaningful symbols, too. Find something that represents your relationship and its special strength.
Here are some ideas to think about.
- Special Places: beaches/waves, mountains, sunshine, palm trees
- Health and Wellness: heartbeats, peace, double hearts, yin/yang, lotus
- Love and Closeness: hearts, love knot, Claddagh, Celtic Knot
- Dreams, Spirit, and Strength: moon, crescent moon, clouds, stars
These are just a few symbols. Do your research and you’ll find one that suits you! Remember, not all symbols are simple enough for a tattoo. So, make sure you choose one that works.
Speak with your tattoo artist to see if it can work in your ring tattoo.
Keep it Simple
A simple tattoo makes a classy statement. It’s also the best bet for this situation.
To start, fingers are very small areas! Your tattoo artist will have an easier time and do a better job on a simple design.
Here are a few more good reasons to keep it simple.
- It’s a painful area – less is more
- Simple lines and shapes look better
- Simple finger tattoos blurless
- Easier to touch up later
Choosing a simple design doesn’t mean you’re settling for boring. Talk with your tattoo artist to get it right!
Plan It Before You Ink It
This isn’t the kind of tattoo you do on a whim. It’s far more important and symbolic than that. Take the time to plan your design before you have it done.
Choosing an Artist
This is the most important part of the whole process! You need to choose a tattoo artist that understands your vision. And, one that can do the work in the style you like.
Start by checking out some tattoo artist’s online. Look at their web portfolios and read reviews from past clients. Narrow it down to three artists that seem good.
Then, schedule appointments with your top three choices. Meet, ask a few questions, and get to know your potential tattoo artists.
Ask if they have experience with wedding ring tattoos. It’s not a deal breaker if they’ve never done one. But, make sure they are confident they can do the work.
Take a look around the shop. You’ll get a feel for how they handle their business.
Is it clean? Professional? Do you feel comfortable here?
You’ll need to come prepared to discuss your design vision or look at options. Talk about pricing, too. It’s ok if they give you a range, as long as it works for your budget.
Schedule Design Visits
Once you decide on an artist, you’ll need an appointment to plan and complete your tattoo design. Bring notes about your ideas with you. If you’re not sure, as for guidance.
Most artists have many, many options you can choose from right in the shop. But, whatever you choose, personalize it a little bit. Then, negotiate to have it removed from the options.
This is yours. No one else should have it.
Picking the Right Time
Schedule inking appointments, next! It’s up to you whether you do it before or after the wedding.
Talk to your artist about what it’s like to get a tattoo. This can help you choose the right day.
Getting it done on your wedding day is not the best option. Think about everything else going on that day. It’s a very busy day, and you don’t want to add to it.
You can always use plain bands as your symbol during the ceremony. For best results, don’t rush your tattoo appointment. Schedule it during a time when you can relax and enjoy the moment!

Talk to a Tattoo Artist, Today!
Don’t go the traditional route. Look into wedding ring tattoos, instead! They’re personal, symbolic and beautiful.
It’s a unique and meaningful way to represent your marriage!
To learn more, contact us here.
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Inking Your Wanderlust: The Top Travel Tattoo Ideas for Your Vagabond Heart
Inking Your Wanderlust: The Top Travel Tattoo Ideas
Are you absolutely obsessed with travel? Are you thinking about inking your obsession? If so, read on to learn about the top travel tattoo ideas.
There are 5,000 airplanes over the US at any time. Curious what that looks like? This website will let you have serious travel jealousy as it tracks planes in real time as they traverse the globe.
If you have a passion for travel, why not ink it on your skin? Then whenever you start to dream of your next adventure you can glance at your travel tattoo.
But what should you get to show your love of travel? We have a few ideas for you.
World Map
You could go simplistic with your world map by choosing to do an outline of the continents. Or you could fill them in and have solid black for a bolder look.
For a more creative look, you could make the continents colorful inside the rigid outline. Or go more freeform and choose a watercolor design.
Now all of these designs would be a flat hang on the wall type of map design. So you could change it up and get a globe tattooed instead.
You’ll never be lost as long as you know where North is.
For a more traditional look choose a highly detailed and shaded design. While a minimalist design will have few details beyond two crisscrossing lines and the four directional letters.
If your heart is in the sea look for a nautical compass. These are slightly different as they have a nautical star as a part of the design.
What better way to show your love than to get an airplane? You could continue the minimalist trend that we’ve talked about so far.
Or you could go with a more realistic design. Or how about a new-school colorful cartoon design? This would make your airplane stand out among all of the other people with plane tattoos.
Something Cultural
Do you have a favorite place to visit? Then why not get a tattoo that is symbolic of that place or culture?
Many people go to Thailand and get a traditional talisman tattoo known as Sak Yank tattoos. Or you could travel to Japan for a traditional tattoo.
If you go this route try to honor the culture by staying as true to form as possible. Make sure you follow the rules of the culture and style.
As far as design most people stick to one style when it comes to coordinates. They use a more solid traditional block letter. Then you have the numbers in a line.
We’re not saying you have to go this route, but why try to fix what isn’t broken? This presentation looks the best and allows for the coordinates to be read.
You have freedom when it comes to what coordinates you choose though. You could put the location of your home to always remember where you came from.
Or you could put the location of your favorite place to go. A third option is to put the location of your bucket list place that you haven’t been to but hope to go to one day.
Waves or Ocean Inspired
For some travel is all about the ocean and being near the water. You could follow in celebrities’ footsteps by getting a mini tattoo.
A small and simple line in the shape of a wave will subtly express your love for the sea. A mini tattoo is the perfect tattoo style for those who want a tattoo but aren’t ready to commit to anything too big or noticeable.
You could go in the exact opposite direction and go with an American traditional ship. These tattoos feature traditional colors and bold black lines.
Inspirational Sayings
Instead of going for the imagery you could opt for a meaningful saying. Some of the best sayings are short and simple. You could even go with just one word that has significance or meaning to you.
For a softer look opt for a delicate script. Just make sure you can read the letters. If you want a bolder look, you can choose a san serif type of font or block lettering.
Do you feel a special connection with an animal? You could have that exotic animal tattooed as a symbol of the country it’s from.
Many people choose to get an elephant for Africa. Or how about a sea turtle for the tropics?
You could go for a big statement piece that is a portrait on your arm, thigh, or back. It could have a lot of shading to add depth and dimension.
Palm trees are popular with travelers who love the tropics. If this sounds like the tattoo for you, then stop by our Maui shop,
Las Vegas Tattoo shop or Henderson tattoo Parlor. The most popular design is a solid black tattoo. The trunk of the tree is slender with a slight curve.
You can scale the tree for where you want it on your body. Place it on your arm or leg, and you can make the trunk longer. Place it on your foot and curve the trunk more.
Pick Your Travel Tattoo
Don’t be afraid to mix a few different ideas. Pick one tattoo style, but then combine the world map and compass. Or you could do a wave with a fish.
Whatever you decide on for your travel tattoo, make sure you find the right tattoo artist. This can make or break your tattoo.
Ask your artist what type of styles they are comfortable tattooing. When you find an artist you like, work them to create something that is unique to you and your passion for traveling.
Have an awesome idea for your travel tattoo? Give us a shout and let us bring your tattoo to life.
To learn more, contact us here.
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